[On Play] Add up to 1 red Character card other than [Uta] with a cost of 3 or less from your trash to your hand. Rarity:R Number:OP01-005 Color:Red Card Type:Character...
[Counter] You may trash 1 card from your hand: Up to 1 of your Leader gains +4000 power during this battle. Then, you may trash 2 cards from the top of...
[On Play] You may trash 2 cards from your hand: Your opponent places 1 of their Characters at the bottom of the owner's deck. Rarity:PR Number:P-055 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:4 Power:5000...
Product Details [On Play] Draw 4 cards if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards. Rarity:SEC Number:OP05-118 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:10 Power:12000 Subtype(s):Animal Kingdom Pirates The Four Emperors Attribute:Special...
[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.) Rarity:R Number:ST03-008 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:1 Power:1000 Subtype(s):Heart Pirates The...
[On Play] Return up to 1 Character with a cost of 7 or less to the owner's hand. Rarity:SR Number:ST03-009 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:7 Power:7000 Subtype(s):Donquixote Pirates The Seven Warlords...
[DON!! x1][Activate:Main][Once Per Turn] (2) (You may rest the specified number of DON!! cards in your cost area.): Play up to 1 [Pacifista] with a cost of 4 or less from...
[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -4 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): Return up to 1 Character with a cost...
[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)[Trigger] Play this card. Rarity:C Number:ST03-013 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:3 Power:1000...