Cost3Attribute SpecialPower3000Counter2000ColorRedTypeRed-Haired PiratesEffect[On Play] Your opponent cannot activate up to 1 [Blocker] Character that has 4000 power or less during this turn.
Cost 3 Power 3000 Counter 2000 Color Red Type Red-Haired Pirates Effect [On Play] Your opponent cannot activate up to 1 [Blocker] Character that has 4000 power or less during...
Cost 4 Power 5000 Counter 1000 Color Red Type Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target...
Cost4AttributeSlashPower4000Counter2000ColorRedTypeKid PiratesEffect[DON!! x1] If your Leader has 7000 power or more and the {Kid Pirates} type, this Character gains [Rush].
Cost 3 Attribute - Power - Counter - Color Red Type Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Main] K.O. up to 2 of your opponent's Characters with a total power of 4000 or...
Cost 2 Attribute - Power - Counter - Color Red Type Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Main] If your Leader has the {Red-Haired Pirates} type, give up to 1 of your opponent's...
ost 1 Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Main] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Red-Haired Pirates} type card other...
Cost 2 Attribute - Power - Counter - Color Red Type Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Activate: Main] You may rest this Stage: If your Leader has the {Red-Haired Pirates} type, give...
Life 4 Attribute Wisdom Power 5000 Counter - Color Green/Purple Type ODYSSEY Effect Your Character cards are played rested.[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] You may rest 3 of your DON!!...
Life 4 Power 5000 Counter - Color Green/Purple Type ODYSSEY Effect Your Character cards are played rested.[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] You may rest 3 of your DON!! cards: Add...
Cost 9 Power 9000 Counter - Color Green Type ODYSSEY Effect [On Play] If your Leader has the {ODYSSEY} type, set up to 3 of your DON!! cards as active.[On...