Cost 1 Attribute Wisdom Power - Counter 2000 Color Yellow Type Ohara Effect [On Play] Up to 1 of your [Nico Robin] Leader gains +3000 power during this turn. Trigger...
Cost 4 Attribute Strike Power 5000 Counter 2000 Color Yellow Type The Seven Warlords of the Sea/Revolutionary Army Effect - Trigger [Trigger] If your Leader has the {Revolutionary Army} type...
Cost 3 Attribute Strike Power 5000 Counter - Color Yellow Type Ohara/Giant/Navy Effect [Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new...
Cost 2 Attribute Strike Power 2000 Counter 1000 Color Yellow Type Animal/Sky Island Effect [On Play] Draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand. Trigger [Trigger] Play this...
Cost 5 Attribute Slash Power 6000 Counter 1000 Color Yellow Type Egghead/Straw Hat Crew Effect - Trigger [Trigger] If your Leader has the {Egghead} type and your opponent has 6...
Cost 3 Attribute Special Power 4000 Counter 1000 Color Yellow Type Revolutionary Army Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or less Life cards, draw 1 card. Trigger [Trigger] If...
Cost 3 Attribute Special Power 4000 Counter 1000 Color Yellow Type Revolutionary Army Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or less Life cards, draw 1 card. Trigger [Trigger] If...
Cost 1 Attribute - Power - Counter - Color Yellow Type Revolutionary Army Effect [Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +2000 power during this battle....