[On Play] DON!! -2 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a...
[On Play] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): This Character gains [Rush] during this turn. Then, give up to...
[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)Rarity:PRNumber:OP01-100Color:PurpleCard Type:CharacterCost:2Power:3000Subtype(s):Land of Wano Kurozumi ClanCounter+:1000Attribute:SpecialArtist:HISASHI HUJIWARA
[When Attacking] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): Your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand. Rarity:R Number:OP01-102 Color:Purple...
[When Attacking] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): Your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand. Rarity:R Number:OP01-102 Color:Purple...
[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)[On Block] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!!...
[Activate:Main] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -1 (You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.): This Character can also attack your opponent's active Characters...
[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in which it is played.)[When Attacking] Your opponent cannot activate a [Blocker] Character that has 2000 or less power during this battle. Rarity:SEC...
[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in which it is played.)[When Attacking] Your opponent cannot activate a [Blocker] Character that has 2000 or less power during this battle. Rarity:SEC...
Also treat this card's name as [Kouzuki Oden] according to the rules.[Double Attack] (This card deals 2 damage.)[Banish] (When this card deals damage, the target card is trashed without activating its Trigger.)...