Cost 5 Attribute Special Power 6000 Counter 1000 Color Green Type ODYSSEY/The Four Emperors/Whitebeard Pirates Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or more rested Characters, rest up to 1...
Cost 5 Attribute Special Power 6000 Counter 1000 Color Green Type ODYSSEY/Sky Island Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or more rested Characters, draw 3 cards and trash 2...
Cost 2 Attribute Slash Power 1000 Counter 1000 Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Land of Wano/The Akazaya Nine Effect [Activate: Main] You may place this Character and 1 [Kin'emon] with 0...
Cost 2 Attribute Slash Power - Counter 2000 Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Land of Wano/The Akazaya Nine Effect [Activate: Main] You may place this Character and 1 [Kin'emon] with 1000...
Cost 1 Attribute Special Power 1000 Counter 1000 Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Land of Wano/Kouzuki Clan Effect [Activate: Main] You may rest 2 of your DON!! cards and trash this...
Cost 5 Attribute Slash Power 6000 Counter 1000 Color Green Type ODYSSEY/The Seven Warlords of the Sea Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or more rested Characters, set up...
Cost 5 Attribute Slash Power 7000 Counter - Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Navy Effect [Banish] (When this card deals damage, the target card is trashed without activating its Trigger.)[Activate: Main]...
Cost 5 Attribute Slash Power 7000 Counter - Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Navy Effect [Banish] (When this card deals damage, the target card is trashed without activating its Trigger.)[Activate: Main]...
Cost 3 Attribute Special Power 4000 Counter 2000 Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Navy Effect If you have a green Character other than [Tashigi] that would be removed from the field...
Cost 3 Attribute Special Power 4000 Counter 2000 Color Green Type Punk Hazard/Navy Effect If you have a green Character other than [Tashigi] that would be removed from the field...
Cost 2 Attribute Special Power 2000 Counter 2000 Color Green Type ODYSSEY/Straw Hat Crew Effect [On Play] If you have 2 or more rested {ODYSSEY} type Characters, up to 1...