Cost 9 Power 10000 Counter - Color Purple Type Straw Hat Crew Effect [On Play] You may return 1 or more DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck:...
Life 5 Power 5000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Once Per Turn] This effect can be activated when your opponent attacks. Give up to 1...
Life 5 Power 5000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect [Once Per Turn] This effect can be activated when your opponent attacks. Give up to 1...
Cost 1 Power 2000 Counter 1000 Color Red Type FILM Effect [On Play] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Red-Haired Pirates} type...
Cost 1 Power 2000 Counter 1000 Color Red Type FILM Effect [On Play] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Red-Haired Pirates} type...
Heart Pirates
[When Attacking] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters −2000 power during this turn.
Cost 10 Power 12000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect Give all of your opponent's Characters −1000 power.[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in...
Cost 10 Power 12000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect Give all of your opponent's Characters −1000 power.[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in...
Cost 10 Power 12000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect Give all of your opponent's Characters −1000 power.[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in...
Cost 10 Power 12000 Counter - Color Red Type The Four Emperors/Red-Haired Pirates Effect Give all of your opponent's Characters −1000 power.[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in...
Cost 5 Power 6000 Counter 1000 Color Red Type Roger Pirates Effect [Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target...