[On Play] You may trash 1 card from your hand: K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less. Rarity:R Number:OP02-098 Color:Black Card Type:Character...
[On Play] You may trash 1 card from your hand: K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less. Rarity:R Number:OP02-098 Color:Black Card Type:Character...
[On Play] You may trash 1 card from your hand: K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 3 or less. Rarity:R Number:OP02-098 Color:Black Card Type:Character...
[When Attacking] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters -3 cost during this turn.
Card Type:Character
Artist:Koushi Rokushiro
Also treat this card's name as [Franky] according to the rules.[Opponent's Turn] All of your Characters with 3000 base power or less gain +1000 power. Rarity:PR Number:P-027 Color:Red Card Type:Character...
[End of your Turn] You may rest this Character: Set up to 1 of your "FILM" type Characters other than [Bartolomeo] as active.Rarity:PRNumber:P-029Color:GreenCard Type:CharacterCost:2Power:3000Subtype(s):Barto Club Pirates SupernovasCounter+:1000Attribute:SpecialArtist:TAPIOCA
[On K.O.] Place up to 1 Character with a cost of 3 or less at the bottom of the owner's deck. Rarity:PR Number:P-030 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:4 Power:5000 Subtype(s):Fish-Man The...
Product Details[Activate:Main] You may place this Character at the bottom of the owner's deck: Draw 1 card.Rarity:PRNumber:P-033Color:BlueCard Type:CharacterCost:4Power:5000Subtype(s):Straw Hat CrewCounter+:1000Attribute:Strike
[DON!! x1][Your Turn] If you have 2 or less Life cards, this Character gains +2000 power. Rarity:PR Number:P-034 Color:Yellow Card Type:Character Cost:3 Power:4000 Subtype(s):The Vinsmoke Family Counter+:1000 Attribute:Strike Artist:Hatori Kyoka...