[DON!! x1][Your Turn] If you have 2 or less Life cards, this Character gains +2000 power. Rarity:PR Number:P-034 Color:Yellow Card Type:Character Cost:3 Power:4000 Subtype(s):The Vinsmoke Family Counter+:1000 Attribute:Strike Artist:Hatori Kyoka...
[DON!! x1] [When Attacking] You may trash 1 card from your hand: K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 0. Rarity:PR Number:P-035 Color:Black Card Type:Character Cost:6 Power:6000...
[Banish] (When this card deals damage, the target card is trashed without activating its Trigger.)[DON!! x2] If you have 0 Life cards, this Character gains +2000 power. Rarity:PR Number:P-039 Color:Yellow Card...
[DON!! x1] If you have 4 or less cards in your hand, this Character gains +2000 power.
Card Type:Character
Subtype(s):Revolutionary Army
[DON!! x1] [When Attacking] If you have 4 or more Life cards, your opponent places 1 card from their hand at the bottom of their deck. Rarity:PR Number:P-048 Color:Blue Card...
[Blocker] (After your opponent declares an attack, you may rest this card to make it the new target of the attack.)[DON!! x1] [Your Turn] If you have 3 or less cards...
[When Attacking] You may trash any number of cards from your hand. This Character gains +1000 power during this battle for every card trashed. Rarity:PR Number:P-051 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:7...
[DON!! x1] This Character cannot be K.O.'d in battle by "Slash" attribute cards. Rarity:PR Number:P-052 Color:Blue Card Type:Character Cost:6 Power:7000 Subtype(s):The Seven Warlords of the Sea Counter+:1000 Attribute:Slash Artist:ASAKI KURODA...